7 Homeschooling Stereotypes

Many times when you tell someone you homeschool, you get looks of shock and confusion. People do not know what to say.

So why do people seem so flabbergasted? Maybe because we look like everyone else? We don’t fit the stereotypical image that homeschooler seem to have gotten pigeonholed into.   There are so many stereotypes about homeschoolers, and I’ll be honest, before I knew what homeschooling was really about I was guilty of them too. The mere mention of the word, ‘homeschooling’ brings up images of a socially awkward child with no friends, holed up in their room with textbooks, and a parent wearing a sweater vest and a serious expression. But is this really what homeschooling is all about? Cmon. Be real. Let's dive into some of the funniest stereotypes about homeschooling and see what some people think:

Stereotype #1: Homeschooled kids are socially awkward

Sure, homeschoolers may not have as many opportunities to socialize with their peers in a traditional school setting, but that doesn't mean they are all socially awkward. In fact, many homeschoolers participate in extracurricular activities like sports, music lessons, and community theater. Plus, homeschooling can actually allow kids to socialize with a wider range of people, from different age groups to those outside of their immediate community.

I mean, sure, there are some homeschoolers who might be a little awkward, but let's be real, that can happen to anyone. Have you seen some of the kids in traditional schools? They can be just as awkward, if not more so. And at least homeschooled kids have the opportunity to avoid the drama and bullying that can occur in a traditional school setting.

Public School is so full of silent lunches and group punishments and no talking in the hallways.  My kids can speak their mind and speak to each other and to me whenever they want.  Plus they get to choose their friends not based by who is in their class or on their team. But because they WANT to be friends with them.

Stereotype #2: Homeschooling parents are overbearing and controlling

Yes, there are some parents who choose to homeschool because they want to have complete control over their child's education, but that doesn't mean all homeschooling parents are like this. Many parents choose homeschooling because they want to provide their child with a more personalized and individualized education. And let's be real, all parents can be a little overbearing at times.

But hey, if you're going to be overbearing, why not do it in the comfort of your own home? At least your kid can't run away and hide in the bathroom during math class. And if you're worried about being too controlling, just remember that you're the teacher AND the principal, so you can give yourself a break whenever you need it.

Stereotype #3: Homeschoolers are all super religious

While it is true that some families choose homeschooling for religious reasons, not all homeschoolers are super religious. In fact, there are many secular homeschooling programs available that focus on providing a well-rounded education without any religious influence. Plus, homeschooling is becoming more mainstream and diverse, with families from all different backgrounds choosing this educational path.

And even if you are super religious, that doesn't mean you can't have a little fun with your homeschooling curriculum. Why not have a Bible study lesson followed by a lesson on the history of heavy metal music? Or learn about the Bible's teachings on forgiveness, then watch an episode of "The Office" to see how NOT to forgive someone.

Stereotype #4: Homeschoolers wear pajamas all day

Okay, so maybe some homeschoolers do wear pajamas all day (who doesn't love a good pair of comfy PJs?), but this is certainly not the norm. Homeschoolers are just like any other students and typically get dressed in the morning before starting their schoolwork. Plus, getting dressed can help put kids in the right mindset for learning.

But hey, if you're feeling extra lazy one day, why not wear your pajamas to class? After all, the beauty of homeschooling is that you can learn from anywhere, even your bed. Just make sure you don't spill your breakfast on your worksheet.

Stereotype #5: Homeschoolers are all geniuses

While there are certainly many homeschooled kids who are academically gifted, not all homeschoolers are geniuses. Homeschooling is simply another educational option that allows parents to tailor their child’s learning to their gifts and interests.

Stereotype # 6: We are a bunch of rednecks.  

OK we live in the south now.  But I grew up in NY. And lived in NYC for over a decade.  And I went to public school.  But times have changed.  And I don’t want my kids to be in the public school environment right now.  my kids are in a much better place with me.  Plus they WANT to be here. Home schooling was their suggestion.  At first I thought it was not even a consideration, but the more I explored, the more I was into it. 

Stereotype #7: We live on a commune or in a cabin in the woods

Or we are sheltered freaks who don’t leave the house. The opposite is true!  We travel, whenever we want. Which is a huge perk of homeschooling. And no absent notes to deal with - I actually got a letter once saying I was going to be arrested for having my kid miss 9 days of school for going to Europe. 

Now, We can take the day off just to go to do something interesting. Or to visit family. Or to go some place just because the opportunity arose. My kids play sports, are in music bands, art clubs, debate clubs, volunteer, you get the idea.  And we are on no clock but our own.The freedom is incredible.  Sometimes I wish we sat at home more.  We are super involved in the community and events. We volunteer.  Because we can.  And because its a really amazing experience.  And because giving back is what life is all about.  Not the next giant meaningless busy work project or poster on Sweden. We teach our kids to think broadly and entrepreneurially. And we also focus on respect and common sense.  Because that is something that is lacking with too many kids right now.  

If you've thought stereotypical things about homeschoolers in the past, maybe it's time to rethink your view.  Homeschooling can be a great choice for your family and children! Want to learn more about homeschooling stereotypes? Watch the video below!


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